
Start Your Transformation Today!


Start Your Transformation Today!

Client Testimonials

Ok..... this might be a little long.
I just weighed in. I've lost 9.7 lbs. in a week!
I'm literally crying happy tears. I'm a cancer survivor (10 years in May) who spent years on treatment and preventative medications that kept me cancer free but caused incredible weight gain.
I've tried everything- I mean everything . Every MLM product, Ideal Protein, Keto..... I'd have some success but not one thing was sustainable (unless I was spending 300.00 a month on products).
I had hit the wall. Given up. Stuffed my face. Just didn't care. Seemed hopeless.
In one week I have legitimately begun healing my relationship with food. I'm learning to look to it as fuel, not as a pacifier for my emotions.
I'm looking to exercise as a way of respecting my body, not torture.
I'm learning a lifestyle. NOT a diet. It's like a lightbulb went off.
Thank you *Other Participant* for not letting me out of my commitment to do this! And Coach Joe - I'm so grateful for what you have here- it is such a gift!
Most of all thank you all for this incredible support, from all of you, every day.
My 10 yr cancerversary is March 15. I will hit my 1/2 way mark by that time with this program, and I can't wait to celebrate!!
Keep kicking ass folks!

Totally worth it!!!! I’ve been working out and trying to lose 10 lbs for years! This was so doable with Joe! Watching your macros and doing his customized workouts is just what you need to look and feel your best! Joe is there to help and motivate you through the whole process. I lost 7 pounds in 6 weeks and I even cheated a little with sweets and wine. This is something I will be continuing and I can’t wait to get stronger. Thanks Joe!


Very pleased with my results!! This is exactly what I needed to do and without a doubt, will be my new way of life !! I feel sooo much better about myself !! 😊 I will continue to tracking my foods until I feel comfortable with eyeballing accurate portion sizes for life 👍

Start Your Transformation Today!


Hey Joe just wanted to thank you for the past 6 weeks and glad to have been part of this Journey with everyone. and this week as well I lost 3 pounds so within the total of 6 weeks I have lost a total of 17 Pounds, sorry for not sending you any photos, i'm not comfortable with sharing any of my photos yet but i'm still proud of how far i've come thanks to you and this program. I would recommend my 2 Nieces and my nephew to do this program. These past few weeks may have been a rollercoaster at times but also a Fun and Amazing experience that I am glad I was a part of, hoping to join again in the future maybe, Thanks again for this amazing experience and Hope to see it grow even more.


I honestly couldn’t believe how smooth of a lifestyle change this challenge was. I struggled the first week, but by the second week it was second nature! The results are real and I feel great, I have more energy and confidence thanks to this challenge!! Even if you’re on the fence about signing up, take the plunge and do it, you’ll be glad you did!  


HOLY S**T — I hit my goal of 45 pounds lost!

To be completely honest, I wasn’t expecting to see such great results. I had never tried something like this, but it’s very clear to me that your method of eating, the workouts and most of all the lifestyle change really do work. 

I appreciated the support and reassurance from you along the way, and I liked the community aspect of the program because we knew other people were going through it too. I would totally recommend this to a friend because it’s a fairly easy adjustment but the results are real. 

A couple weeks in, people were already telling me I looked more fit/toned even if I hadn’t noticed a change on the scale yet.


The has been exactly what I needed. I didn’t go into this with any high expectations. I wanted to learn how to fuel my body better and be healthier. It’s always been difficult for me to lose weight and keep it off, this lifestyle has proven to me that it’s possible even through two holidays.  I definitely “cheated” some this week with Christmas cookies and treats, but I know I can pick back up and continue with healthier choices. This didn’t feel like a diet and I will be able to continue to use what I have learned as I choose my meals. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a healthier sustainable lifestyle. 


I feel a lot better and less bloated. I barely worked out at all and still ate things I liked. I feel like overall I did pretty well considering there were 2 major holidays over the course of my coaching. If not for that, I may have lost a couple more pounds, but I’m ok with the results I got. I plan to continue this lifestyle on my own because I like eating what I want but also being accountable for what I eat so I don’t over do it. 


I learned how to eat for what my body needs, exercise properly and live a healthy lifestyle. I felt the best I have in a long time! I’ve gained strength is every muscle group. The nutrition/eating side of this program was not complicated or extremely restrictive. Tracking my macros was easy and only took a few minutes out of each day. I would certainly recommend this to anyone and I can’t wait to continue this journey on my own now that I have the necessary tools!! 


I love it😭😭😭 Joe this has been the best experience. I took those pictures and just cried.  I have never done anything like this, and I’m so glad you told me to just go for it.  I’m so thankful for you and this entire coaching program. I have busted my ASS and followed EVERYTHING.  I told myself I was gonna do it, but DAMN - I can’t believe I actually did! I know I was shooting for 40lbs but I feel and look like I lost 80😂😂


I always thought I was healthy, but no diet ever got “my real body” to look like my “dream body”. This program allowed me to understand that small changes and consistency lead to BIG RESULTS! Deciding to do this challenge is by far one of the best choices I have made in my life! The tools I learned I will continue to apply for the rest of my life! This program is not just a challenge or fad “diet” but provides the tools that lead to an overall healthier lifestyle!

⠀The daily workouts are short and adaptable, Joe’s personalized coaching kept me motivated and accountable, he knew he could push me further and HE DID IT! I will ABSOLUTELY recommend you give this a shot!


JOE!  I have finally reached my goal weight and ideal body! AHHH.

I cannot thank you and this challenge enough for coming into my life at the perfect time. I can’t wait to continue my journey and I’ll make sure to update you as I continue to further myself😊😊 I’ve literally never been this healthy or strong in my entire life and it makes me so excited! Yesterday I was feeling on top of the world as I flew up climbing walls that I had never even dared to try a couple weeks ago (or ever) because I knew I wouldn’t make it up. My fiancée and I now workout together almost everyday and it makes my heart so happy! Not once did I ever feel like I was starving or pushing myself too hard! I will highly recommend you to everyone I know-again there is no way to express how many thanks you deserve!!


Thank you SOOOO much for all of your help! I feel so freaking amazing Joe! I lost slowly but so efficiently, AND persistently!! I could not be happier this morning seeing these photos. I’m blown away! I can’t thank you enough for everything

It was so incredibly helpful to have a support to turn to when things felt weird or off or I just needing help trouble shooting. I have struggled for a really long time with my weight, and health in general so I wasn’t sure how this would go. It’s the only regimen I feel I have been REALLY successful on, and also feel like wasn’t a weight loss regimen at all. Nothing but good things to say!!!!! Ahhhhh!!


I'd say this was 4/10 difficulty level. Easy to adjust to but I was restricted in some ways, like cutting down on butter, oil, condiments etc. I'd say that tracking it is the only somewhat difficult part. And its not even hard, it just is a little more time consuming because you need to weigh/measure your foods but as long as you give yourself a little extra time to prepare meals and plan them out then you will have no issues.
I could absolutely stick to this for an extended period of time. I've tracked macros for a year and a half on and off and once you are in the habit of it it feels like second nature.
I felt extremely healthy and energetic while on this program!
Honestly this was so doable. I stopped tracking my food after a while just because I kind of understood around where I needed to be eating a day and clearly it worked. I was nervous but weighing everything at first was VERY helpful!
It took me seeing two clients of Hoye Fit coaching to finally sign up and it literally changed who I am. I was so nervous it would be hard and I wouldn’t be able to stick to it. Well, It’s so easy, not only that if you need help he’s got your back. He gives you so much information and he is super supportive! I’d highly recommend this challenge to anyone who just wants to swing back into shape or wants to put on some muscle. Your signing up for a life time of information and a whole better, happier you.
On a scale of 1 to ten, I’d say a 3 or 4, once you figure out what tastes good and falls within the macros/calorie count, it was a breeze. MyFitnessPal helped ALOT. I continued to stick with it and lost 8 more pounds after the final weigh in. I’ve made it my lifestyle now just with a few more cheat meals and beers I felt great during the diet, I wasn’t starving myself, I was eating great food and was able to find a new love for biking (never went to the gym once during the program) and I’ve recommended this to many friends and family and a few of them have lost their share of weight with it!
Eating was an easy concept and Simple equation to follow. For me it comes down to timing, routine, and consistency. This is a program that can be continued. It is important that I stick with it, my gains that took weeks to develop can disappear in days. I’d say a key to success is commitment. Summer weather and temptations are making it hard to be truly committed post program. When on the program, I feel great. I feel healthier, look better, and have more energy. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who is A. Trying to gain weight and muscle. B. Lose weight C. Develop better eating habits.

Start Your Transformation Today!