virtual summit | July 15-21, 2024


What if the Secret to health, happiness, confidence
and your desired body in Midlife Was Just a Summit Away?

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20+ world class experts will lead you to a lasting high quality life inside a healthy body that you can feel confident in

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Get your free ticket

virtual summit | July 15-20, 2024


What if the Secret to health, happiness, confidence
and your desired body in Midlife Was Just a Summit Away?

Get your free ticket
Untitled design (15).png__PID:9fb5a716-8635-4c66-b416-d99b8a3e5607

20+ world class experts will lead you to a lasting high quality life inside a healthy body that you can feel confident in

virtual summit | July 15-21, 2024


What if the Secret to health, happiness, confidence
and your desired body in Midlife Was Just a Summit Away?

Get your free ticket
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20+ world class experts will lead you to
a lasting high quality life inside a healthy body
that you can feel confident in

You're Not Alone:
Navigating Midlife’s Complex Challenges Together

  • Menopause-Related Weight Gain:
     Experiencing weight gain and changes in body composition due to menopause, along with the frustration of traditional weight loss methods not being as effective.
  • Symptoms Impacting Daily Life:
     Dealing with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, which affect overall quality of life and complicate efforts to focus on health and wellness.
  • Chronic Fatigue and Hormonal Imbalances:
    Dealing with persistent tiredness and the challenges of hormonal changes, including thyroid dysfunction, making it difficult to pursue a healthier lifestyle.
  • Navigating Health Information Overload:
    Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of health information and advice, leading to confusion and inaction regarding the best steps to take for personal health improvement.
  • Endless Diet Cycles:
    Trapped in a frustrating loop of trying and abandoning diets, never finding a sustainable path to healthy eating that supports long-term weight management.
  • Lack of Energy and Motivation:
    Feeling too tired or unmotivated to maintain a consistent exercise routine, exacerbated by the daunting task of starting from zero fitness level.
  • Battling Negative Self-Image:
    Struggling with self-esteem and body image issues, leading to avoidance of mirrors, photos, and situations that trigger self-consciousness.
  • Emotional Eating and Stress Management:
    Turning to food for comfort during times of stress, sadness, or boredom, creating a vicious cycle of emotional eating without effective coping strategies.
Wishing midlife was easier and less confusing

Solutions for Every Challenge

At the Midlife Makeover Summit, Find Tailored Strategies to Address Your
Nutrition, Exercise, Mindset, Health, and Menopause Concerns

  • Nutrition Clarity and Balance:
    Expert-led workshops demystify nutrition, teaching you how to create enjoyable, sustainable eating habits without the restrictions of fad diets.  While sessions on intuitive eating help you rebuild a healthy relationship with food, emphasizing balance and satisfaction.
  • Exercise Adapted to Your Life:
    Discover exercise routines that fit your schedule, energy levels, and interests, making physical activity a joy rather than a chore. Learn about low-impact exercises designed to minimize discomfort while maximizing health benefits, suitable for any fitness level.
  • Empowering Mindset and Self-Image:
    Engage in workshops that focus on building a positive self-image and overcoming negative self-talk, led by experts in psychology and personal development. Leave with techniques and strategies to combat emotional eating, teaching you how to manage stress and emotions without turning to food.
  • Targeted Health Solutions:
    Gain insights into managing hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues with natural and medical strategies presented by health professionals. Access the latest research and tips on energy enhancement, sleep improvement, and overall wellness to revitalize your daily life.
  • Navigating Through Menopause:
    Learn from experts about effective ways to manage menopause symptoms, including weight management strategies that work in harmony with your body's changes.
    Participate in discussions on hormone therapy options, natural remedies, and lifestyle adjustments to ease the transition through menopause.

You're Not Alone:
Navigate Midlife’s Complex Challenges Together

  • Menopause-Related Weight Gain:
     Experiencing weight gain and changes in body composition due to menopause, along with the frustration of traditional weight loss methods not being as effective.
  • Symptoms Impacting Daily Life:
     Dealing with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, which affect overall quality of life and complicate efforts to focus on health and wellness.
  • Chronic Fatigue and Hormonal Imbalances:
    Dealing with persistent tiredness and the challenges of hormonal changes, including thyroid dysfunction, making it difficult to pursue a healthier lifestyle.
  • Navigating Health Information Overload:
    Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of health information and advice, leading to confusion and inaction regarding the best steps to take for personal health improvement.
  • Endless Diet Cycles:
    Trapped in a frustrating loop of trying and abandoning diets, never finding a sustainable path to healthy eating that supports long-term weight management.
  • Lack of Energy and Motivation:
    Feeling too tired or unmotivated to maintain a consistent exercise routine, exacerbated by th14e daunting task of starting from zero fitness level.
  • Battling Negative Self-Image:
    Struggling with self-esteem and body image issues, leading to avoidance of mirrors, photos, and situations that trigger self-consciousness.
  • Emotional Eating and Stress Management:
    Turning to food for comfort during times of stress, sadness, or boredom, creating a vicious cycle of emotional eating without effective coping strategies.
Wishing midlife was easier and less confusing

Solutions for
Every Challenge

At the Midlife Makeover Summit, Find Tailored Strategies to Address Your
Nutrition, Exercise, Mindset, Health, and Menopause Concerns

  • Nutrition Clarity and Balance:
    Expert-led workshops demystify nutrition, teaching you how to create enjoyable, sustainable eating habits without the restrictions of fad diets.  While sessions on intuitive eating help you rebuild a healthy relationship with food, emphasizing balance and satisfaction.
  • Exercise Adapted to Your Life:
    Discover exercise routines that fit your schedule, energy levels, and interests, making physical activity a joy rather than a chore. L1earn about low-impact exercises designed to minimize discomfort while maximizing health benefits, suitable for any fitness level.
  • Empowering Mindset and Self-Image:
    Engage in workshops that focus on building a positive self-image and overcoming negative self-talk, led by experts in psychology and personal development. Leave with techniques and strategies to combat emotional eating, teaching you how to manage stress and emotions without turning to food.
  • Targeted Health Solutions:
    Gain insights into managing hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues with natural and medical strategies presented by health professionals. Access the latest research and tips on energy enhancement, sleep improvement, and overall wellness to revitalize your daily life.
  • Navigating Through Menopause:
    Learn from experts about effective ways to manage menopause symptoms, including weight management strategies that work in harmony with your body's changes.
    Participate in discussions on hormone therapy options, natural remedies, and lifestyle adjustments to ease the transition through menopause.

You're Not Alone:
Navigating Midlife’s Complex Challenges Together

  • Menopause-Related Weight Gain:
     Experiencing weight gain and changes in body composition due to menopause, along with the frustration of traditional weight loss methods not being as effective.
  • Symptoms Impacting Daily Life:
     Dealing with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, which affect overall quality of life and complicate efforts to focus on health and wellness.
  • Chronic Fatigue and Hormonal Imbalances:15
    Dealing with persistent tiredness and the challenges of hormonal changes, including thyroid dysfunction, making it difficult to pursue a healthier lifestyle.
Wishing midlife was easier and less confusing
  • Navigating Health Information Overload:
    Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of health information and advice, leading to confusion and inaction regarding the best steps to take for personal health improvement.
  • Endless Diet Cycles:
    Trapped in a frustrating loop of trying and abandoning diets, never finding a sustainable path to healthy eating that supports long-term weight management.
  • Lack of Energy and Motivation:
    Feeling too tired or unmotivated to maintain a consistent exercise routine, exacerbated by the daunting task of starting from zero fitness level.
  • Battling Negative Self-Image:
    Struggling with self-esteem and body image issues, leading to avoidance o15f mirrors, p1hotos, and situations that trigger self-consciousness.
  • Emotional Eating and Stress Management:
    Turning to food for comfort during times of stress, sadness, or boredom, creating a vicious cycle of emotional eating without effective coping strategies.

Solutions for Every Challenge

At the Midlife Makeover Summit, Find Tailored Strategies to Address Your
Nutrition, Exercise, Mindset, Health, and Menopause Concerns

  • Nutrition Clarity and Balance:
    Expert-led workshops demystify nutrition, teaching you how to create enjoyable, sustainable eating habits without the restrictions of fad diets.  While sessions on intuitive eating help you rebuild a healthy relationship with food, emphasizing balance and satisfaction.
  • Exercise Adapted to Your Life:
    Discover exercise routines that fit your schedule, energy levels, and interests, making physical activity a joy rather than a chore. Learn about low-impact exercises designed to minimize discomfort while maximizing health benefits, suitable for any fitness level.
  • Empowering Mindset and Self-Image:
    Engage in workshops that focus on building a positive self-image and overcoming negative self-talk, led by experts in psychology and personal development. Leave with techniques and strategies to combat emotional eating, teaching you how to manage stress and emotions without turning to food.
  • Targeted Health Solutions:
    Gain insights into managing hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues with natural and medical strategies presented by health professionals. Access the latest research and tips on energy enhancement, sleep improvement, and overall wellness to revitalize your daily life.
  • Navigating Through Menopause:
    Learn from experts about effective ways to manage menopause symptoms, including weight management strategies that work in harmony with your body's changes.
    Participate in discussions on hormone therapy options, natural remedies, and lifestyle adjustments to ease the transition through menopause.

makeover 2024

The Ultimate Summit for Women Navigating Midlife and Beyond

World-Class Expertise at Your Fingertips: Our summit features a lineup of renowned speakers from across the globe. These industry leaders and pioneers in health, wellness, and empowerment will share cutting-edge insights, practical strategies, and their personal success stories. Whether you're seeking advice on nutrition, exercise, mindset, or navigating menopause, our experts are here to guide you on your journey to well-being.

Tailored for Your Transformative Journey: This summit is specially curated for women in midlife and beyond, addressing unique challenges and opportunities with sensitivity and depth. Our sessions cover everything from hormonal balance to emotional resilience, ensuring you receive knowledge that resonates with your stage of life.

Interactive and Engaging Formats: Beyond lectures, participate in Q&A sessions, interactive workshops, and small group discussions. These formats provide a platform for personalized advice and foster a community of like-minded individuals who share your goals and challenges.

Actionable Insights for Immediate Impact: Each session is designed to leave you with actionable strategies that can be implemented right away. From nutrition plans that cater to your changing body to exercise routines that fit your lifestyle, and mindset shifts that inspire positivity, you'll have the tools to make immediate improvements in your life.

A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being: Recognizing that wellness goes beyond physical health, our summit covers a wide range of topics including emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth. This holistic perspective ensures you're supported in every aspect of your journey.

makeover 2024

The Ultimate Summit for Women Navigating Midlife and Beyond

World-Class Expertise at Your Fingertips: Our summit features a lineup of renowned speakers from across the globe. These industry leaders and pioneers in health, wellness, and empowerment will share cutting-edge insights, practical strategies, and their personal success stories. Whether you're seeking advice on nutrition, exercise, mindset, or navigating menopause, our experts are here to guide you on your journey to well-being.

Tailored for Your Transformative Journey: This summit is specially curated for women in midlife and beyond, addressing unique challenges and opportunities with sensitivity and depth. Our sessions cover everything from hormonal balance to emotional resilience, ensuring you receive knowledge that resonates with your stage of life.

Interactive and Engaging Formats: Beyond lectures, participate in Q&A sessions, interactive workshops, and small group discussions. These formats provide a platform for personalized advice and foster a community of like-minded individuals who share your goals and challenges.

Actionable Insights for Immediate Impact: Each session is designed to leave you with actionable strategies that can be implemented right away. From nutrition plans that cater to your changing body to exercise routines that fit your lifestyle, and mindset shifts that inspire positivity, you'll have the tools to make immediate improvements in your life.

A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being: Recognizing that wellness goes beyond physical health, our summit covers a wide range of topics including emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth. This holistic perspective ensures you're supported in every aspect of your journey.

makeover 2024

The Ultimate Summit for Women Navigating Midlife and Beyond

World-Class Expertise at Your Fingertips: Our summit features a lineup of renowned speakers from across the globe. These industry leaders and pioneers in health, wellness, and empowerment will share cutting-edge insights, practical strategies, and their personal success stories. Whether you're seeking advice on nutrition, exercise, mindset, or navigating menopause, our experts are here to guide you on your journey to well-being.

Tailored for Your Transformative Journey: This summit is specially curated for women in midlife and beyond, addressing unique challenges and opportunities with sensitivity and depth. Our sessions cover everything from hormonal balance to emotional resilience, ensuring you receive knowledge that resonates with your stage of life.

Interactive and Engaging Formats: Beyond lectures, participate in Q&A sessions, interactive workshops, and small group discussions. These formats provide a platform for personalized advice and foster a community of like-minded individuals who share your goals and challenges.14

Actionable Insights for Immediate Impact: Each session is designed to leave you with actionable strategies that can be implemented right away. From nutrition plans that cater to your changing body to exercise routines that fit your lifestyle, and mindset shifts that inspire positivity, you'll have the tools to make immediate improvements in your life.

A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being: Recognizing that wellness goes beyond physical health, our summit covers a wide range of topics including emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth. This holistic perspective ensures you're supported in every aspect of your journey.

Our esteemed
summit speakers

Dive Deep with Leading Experts in Health, Wellness, and Empowerment

Chris Powell

Host of abc's: extreme weight loss

Meet Chris Powell, renowned fitness expert and motivational life coach, who transformed personal struggles into a lifelong mission to eradicate weight-related suffering. From humble beginnings as a bullied teenager who found strength through fitness, Chris achieved fame as the host of ABC’s "Extreme Weight Loss" and became a best-selling author. With a deep commitment to helping others, Chris's journey from adversity to health and happiness inspires a powerful message of resilience and transformation. Join him at our summit to unlock your potential and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Jenn Gottlieb

Step Into Your Spotlight with Jen Gottlieb: From Broadway to Business Powerhouse

Meet Jen Gottlieb, co-founder of Super Connector Media, who will lead our mindset-based day tailored for women in midlife and beyond. Starting her vibrant career on Broadway, Jen transitioned to television as the “Vanna White of Rock and Roll” on VH1’s That Metal Show. Her transformative journey from personal setbacks to empowerment catalyzed her mission to help others embrace their authentic selves and achieve visibility. Today, Jen guides business owners and experts to discover their passions and shine confidently, leveraging her expertise in personal branding and impactful visibility. As an international speaker and host of the I Dare You Podcast, Jen shares stages with icons like Gary Vaynerchuk and Martha Stewart. Her company, Super Connector Media, listed on the INC 5000, reflects her success in helping others grow. Join Jen as she leads a day focused on empowering midlife women to redefine their paths and radiate confidence in every aspect of life.

Denise Kirtley

"Show up for yourself every day"

Four years ago, Denise Kirtley weighed nearly 200 lbs and was prediabetic when she decided to start weightlifting to improve her health. Now a competitive athlete, she discusses the small steps that led to her transformation, how the challenges she faced built her confidence, and how achievable goals can help us reach our dreams.

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Dr. Felice Gersh

Empowering Women's Health with Dr. Felice Gersh: A Pioneer in Integrative Gynecology

Meet Dr. Felice Gersh, a trailblazer in integrative gynecology and a leading expert on women’s hormones, gut microbiome, and circadian rhythms. After earning her medical degree from the USC School of Medicine and excelling in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kaiser Hospital in Los Angeles, Dr. Gersh founded the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine. Here, she combines conventional medical practices with holistic treatments like acupuncture, focusing on women’s natural physiological and emotional rhythms for optimal health. A fervent advocate for using the least invasive treatments possible, she prioritizes natural healing and uses pharmaceuticals only as a last resort. Dr. Gersh is also an accomplished author, educator, and speaker, traveling globally to share her expertise. Join her at our summit to gain transformative insights into managing and enhancing women’s health through every stage of life.

Jess Gunn

Empowering Strength and Confidence: Journey with a Transformation Maverick

Embark on a transformative journey with a true maverick in personal growth and fitness, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach dedicated to empowering women worldwide. She’s not just any coach; she’s someone who pivoted from being the self-described “weakest and wimpiest woman alive” to a beacon of strength and resilience. Her philosophy? It’s not about being as thin as possible but about embracing strength, confidence, and the power of doing hard things. Her journey from a 37-year-old tired mom to a fitness inspiration and successful entrepreneur is nothing short of inspiring. Join her at the summit to learn how you can transform not just your body, but your life, by focusing on what truly matters: strength, confidence, and empowerment.

Denise K (1).png__PID:31c52c51-c5da-4773-9945-e65818a784fb

along with 15+ other midlife experts

Our esteemed
summit speakers

Dive Deep with Leading Experts in Health, Wellness, and Empowerment

Chris Powell

Host of abc's: extreme weight loss

Chris P.png__PID:f005d94b-0526-4ecb-9f6e-f624f0a204da

Meet Chris Powell, renowned fitness expert and motivational life coach, who transformed personal struggles into a lifelong mission to eradicate weight-related suffering. From humble beginnings as a bullied teenager who found strength through fitness, Chris achieved fame as the host of ABC’s "Extreme Weight Loss" and became a best-selling author. With a deep commitment to helping others, Chris's journey from adversity to health and happiness inspires a powerful message of resilience and transformation. Join him at our summit to unlock your potential and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Jen Gottlieb

Step Into Your Spotlight with Jen Gottlieb: From Broadway to Business Powerhouse

Meet Jen Gottlieb, co-founder of Super Connector Media, who will lead our mindset-based day tailored for women in midlife and beyond. Starting her vibrant career on Broadway, Jen transitioned to television as the “Vanna White of Rock and Roll” on VH1’s That Metal Show. Her transformative journey from personal setbacks to empowerment catalyzed her mission to help others embrace their authentic selves and achieve visibility. Today, Jen guides business owners and experts to discover their passions and shine confidently, leveraging her expertise in personal branding and impactful visibility. As an international speaker and host of the I Dare You Podcast, Jen shares stages with icons like Gary Vaynerchuk and Martha Stewart. Her company, Super Connector Media, listed on the INC 5000, reflects her success in helping others grow. Join Jen as she leads a day focused on empowering midlife women to redefine their paths and radiate confidence in every aspect of life.

Denise Kirtley


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Four years ago, Denise Kirtley weighed nearly 200 lbs and was prediabetic when she decided to start weightlifting to improve her health. Now a competitive athlete, she discusses the small steps that led to her transformation, how the challenges she faced built her confidence, and how achievable goals can help us reach our dreams.

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Dr. Felice Gersh

Empowering Women's Health with Dr. Felice Gersh: A Pioneer in Integrative Gynecology

Meet Dr. Felice Gersh, a trailblazer in integrative gynecology and a leading expert on women’s hormones, gut microbiome, and circadian rhythms. After earning her medical degree from the USC School of Medicine and excelling in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kaiser Hospital in Los Angeles, Dr. Gersh founded the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine. Here, she combines conventional medical practices with holistic treatments like acupuncture, focusing on women’s natural physiological and emotional rhythms for optimal health. A fervent advocate for using the least invasive treatments possible, she prioritizes natural healing and uses pharmaceuticals only as a last resort. Dr. Gersh is also an accomplished author, educator, and speaker, traveling globally to share her expertise. Join her at our summit to gain transformative insights into managing and enhancing women’s health through every stage of life.

Jess Gunn


Denise K (1).png__PID:31c52c51-c5da-4773-9945-e65818a784fb

Embark on a transformative journey with a true maverick in personal growth and fitness, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach dedicated to empowering women worldwide. She’s not just any coach; she’s someone who pivoted from being the self-described “weakest and wimpiest woman alive” to a beacon of strength and resilience. Her philosophy? It’s not about being as thin as possible but about embracing strength, confidence, and the power of doing hard things. Her journey from a 37-year-old tired mom to a fitness inspiration and successful entrepreneur is nothing short of inspiring. Join her at the summit to learn how you can transform not just your body, but your life, by focusing on what truly matters: strength, confidence, and empowerment.

And more...

Our esteemed
summit speakers

Dive Deep with Leading Experts in Health, Wellness, and Empowerment

Chris Powell

Host of abc's: extreme weight loss

Meet Chris Powell, renowned fitness expert and motivational life coach, who transformed personal struggles into a lifelong mission to eradicate weight-related suffering. From humble beginnings as a bullied teenager who found strength through fitness, Chris achieved fame as the host of ABC’s "Extreme Weight Loss" and became a best-selling author. With a deep commitment to helping others, Chris's journey from adversity to health and happiness inspires a powerful message of resilience and transformation. Join him at our summit to unlock your potential and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Jen Gottlieb

Step Into Your Spotlight with Jen Gottlieb: From Broadway to Business Powerhouse

Meet Jen Gottlieb, co-founder of Super Connector Media, who will lead our mindset-based day tailored for women in midlife and beyond. Starting her vibrant career on Broadway, Jen transitioned to television as the “Vanna White of Rock and Roll” on VH1’s That Metal Show. Her transformative journey from personal setbacks to empowerment catalyzed her mission to help others embrace their authentic selves and achieve visibility. Today, Jen guides business owners and experts to discover their passions and shine confidently, leveraging her expertise in personal branding and impactful visibility. As an international speaker and host of the I Dare You Podcast, Jen shares stages with icons like Gary Vaynerchuk and Martha Stewart. Her company, Super Connector Media, listed on the INC 5000, reflects her success in helping others grow. Join Jen as she leads a day focused on empowering midlife women to redefine their paths and radiate confidence in every aspect of life.

Denise Kirtley


Four years ago, Denise Kirtley weighed nearly 200 lbs and was prediabetic when she decided to start weightlifting to improve her health. Now a competitive athlete, she discusses the small steps that led to her transformation, how the challenges she faced built her confidence, and how achievable goals can help us reach our dreams.

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Dr. Felice Gersh

Empowering Women's Health with Dr. Felice Gersh: A Pioneer in Integrative Gynecology

Meet Dr. Felice Gersh, a trailblazer in integrative gynecology and a leading expert on women’s hormones, gut microbiome, and circadian rhythms. After earning her medical degree from the USC School of Medicine and excelling in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kaiser Hospital in Los Angeles, Dr. Gersh founded the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine. Here, she combines conventional medical practices with holistic treatments like acupuncture, focusing on women’s natural physiological and emotional rhythms for optimal health. A fervent advocate for using the least invasive treatments possible, she prioritizes natural healing and uses pharmaceuticals only as a last resort. Dr. Gersh is also an accomplished author, educator, and speaker, traveling globally to share her expertise. Join her at our summit to gain transformative insights into managing and enhancing women’s health through every stage of life.

Jess Gunn


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along with 15+ other midlife experts

Meet your

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Joe Hoye

Owner/Founder at Hoye Fit

As the founder of Hoye Fit and your summit host, Joe Hoye, uniquely connects with the challenges of midlife women through his extensive health background and success in transforming lives. Motivated by a commitment to debunk wellness myths and offer sustainable solutions, Joe's work is inspired by the resilience and stories of women in midlife along with his own personal story between his relationship with his mom as his main role model growing up. Join him for a journey of empowerment at the Midlife Makeover Summit.

Kaitlyn Wood

registered dietitian

Our Head Coach, a devoted Dietitian/Nutritionist from Asheville, North Carolina, cherishes over 3.5 years of enriching experience, especially in guiding women through their journeys of self-care and health. With a focus on chronic disease prevention and weight management through the powerful lens of nutrition therapy, she passionately believes in nurturing the nurturers. Her role at Hoyefit is more than a position; it's a calling where she connects deeply with clients, teaching them the transformative power of prioritizing their own well-being. Her commitment to this special population stems from a heartfelt understanding that women often dedicate themselves to others' needs—she's here to help them invest in their own goals and dreams.

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Carissa Stewart

certified intuitive eating coach

Introducing Coach Carissa, our dedicated Nutrition Coach for women over 40, all the way from Canada. Not only does Carissa bring a wealth of expertise in intuitive eating and behavior change to our team, but she also comes with the unique talent of juggling—a fun skill she picked up in elementary school. Passionate about empowering women to prioritize their health and well-being, Carissa has guided hundreds of women towards losing weight, gaining strength, and embracing their power, focusing on nurturing their bodies from a place of love and respect.

Colleen Patrino

epigenetic coach and nutritional therapy practitioner

Born in Chicago and embarking on an adventure to Georgia in her empty nesting years, she faced long-term health struggles, including weight issues, Lyme disease, Hashimoto's, and hormonal imbalances. Self-driven to heal, she became a nutritional therapy practitioner, diving deep into functional blood chemistry, thyroid, and hormone education. Now at 54, she champions the importance of strength training and believes in empowering others through nutrition, lifestyle, and knowledge. Working at Hoye Fit, she finds fulfillment in helping women embrace their strength and wellness daily.

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what to expect

Gain Unparalleled Insights, Connect in Real-Time
and Access Exclusive Content Across an Inspiring 4-6 Daily Presentations

Rich Learning Experience: Arm yourself with cutting-edge knowledge as you navigate through 4-6 expert-led presentations each day. From health innovations to wellness strategies, our summit offers a deep dive into the topics that matter most to you in midlife and beyond.

Personal Growth & Empowerment: Leave the summit not just with information, but with the power to transform your life. Our sessions are designed to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to make meaningful changes in your health, mindset, and daily practices.

Interactive Engagement: Amplify your summit experience with live Q&A sessions. Engage directly with our speakers, ask questions, and receive personalized insights, making your learning journey interactive and impactful.

Exclusive Bonus Content: Get more out of the Midlife Makeover Summit with access to special bonus materials. From downloadable resources to exclusive workshops, these added values are designed to enrich your summit experience and support your ongoing growth.

Community Connection: Join a community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you. The Midlife Makeover summit provides a unique platform to connect, share experiences, and foster supportive relationships that last beyond the event.

Accessible Anywhere: Enjoy the convenience of attending this transformative summit from anywhere in the world. Our virtual platform ensures you have the flexibility to be part of every moment, live or at a time that suits you best.

All Access Pass: Elevate Your Summit
Experience to Extraordinary

Unlock Exclusive Perks and Personalized Features with Your VIP Entry

Exclusive Live Q&As: Direct access to our experts.

Complimentary Diet Detox Book: Transform your relationship with food.

Bonus Day Access:
Special sessions on mindset, career, relationships, and more.

Personal Wellness Assessment:
Tailored advice from Joe Hoye.

Lifetime Access:
All recordings and presentations at your fingertips.

Speaker Insights: Transcripts and notes for deeper learning.

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your hosts

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Joe Hoye

Owner/Founder at Hoye Fit

As the founder of Hoye Fit and your summit host, Joe Hoye, uniquely connects with the challenges of midlife women through his extensive health background and success in transforming lives. Motivated by a commitment to debunk wellness myths and offer sustainable solutions, Joe's work is inspired by the resilience and stories of women in midlife along with his own personal story between his relationship with his mom as his main role model growing up. Join him for a journey of empowerment at the Midlife Makeover Summit.

Kaitlyn Wood

Registered Dietitian

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Our Head Coach, a devoted Dietitian/Nutritionist from Asheville, North Carolina, cherishes over 3.5 years of enriching experience, especially in guiding women through their journeys of self-care and health. With a focus on chronic disease prevention and weight management through the powerful lens of nutrition therapy, she passionately believes in nurturing the nurturers. Her role at Hoyefit is more than a position; it's a calling where she connects deeply with clients, teaching them the transformative power of prioritizing their own well-being. Her commitment to this special population stems from a heartfelt understanding that women often dedicate themselves to others' needs—she's here to help them invest in their own goals and dreams.

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Carissa Stewart

Intuitive Eating coach

Introducing Coach Carissa, our dedicated Nutrition Coach for women over 40, all the way from Canada. Not only does Carissa bring a wealth of expertise in intuitive eating and behavior change to our team, but she also comes with the unique talent of juggling—a fun skill she picked up in elementary school. Passionate about empowering women to prioritize their health and well-being, Carissa has guided hundreds of women towards losing weight, gaining strength, and embracing their power, focusing on nurturing their bodies from a place of love and respect.

Colleen Patrino

Intuitive Eating coach

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Born in Chicago and embarking on an adventure to Georgia in her empty nesting years, she faced long-term health struggles, including weight issues, Lyme disease, Hashimoto's, and hormonal imbalances. Self-driven to heal, she became a nutritional therapy practitioner, diving deep into functional blood chemistry, thyroid, and hormone education. Now at 54, she champions the importance of strength training and believes in empowering others through nutrition, lifestyle, and knowledge. Working at Hoye Fit, she finds fulfillment in helping women embrace their strength and wellness daily.

what to expect

Gain Unparalleled Insights, Connect in Real-Time
and Access Exclusive Content Across an Inspiring 4-6 Daily Presentations

Rich Learning Experience: Arm yourself with cutting-edge knowledge as you navigate through 4-6 expert-led presentations each day. From health innovations to wellness strategies, our summit offers a deep dive into the topics that matter most to you in midlife and beyond.

Personal Growth & Empowerment: Leave the summit not just with information, but with the power to transform your life. Our sessions are designed to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to make meaningful changes in your health, mindset, and daily practices.

Interactive Engagement: Amplify your summit experience with live Q&A sessions. Engage directly with our speakers, ask questions, and receive personalized insights, making your learning journey interactive and impactful.

Exclusive Bonus Content: Get more out of the Midlife Makeover Summit with access to special bonus materials. From downloadable resources to exclusive workshops, these added values are designed to enrich your summit experience and support your ongoing growth.

Community Connection: Join a community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you. The Midlife Makeover summit provides a unique platform to connect, share experiences, and foster supportive relationships that last beyond the event.

Accessible Anywhere: Enjoy the convenience of attending this transformative summit from anywhere in the world. Our virtual platform ensures you have the flexibility to be part of every moment, live or at a time that suits you best.

All Access Pass:
Elevate Your Summit
Experience to Extraordinary

Unlock Exclusive Perks and Personalized Features with Your VIP Entry

Exclusive Live Q&As: Direct access to our experts.

Complimentary Diet Detox Book: Transform your relationship with food.

Bonus Day Access:
Special sessions on mindset, career, relationships, and more.

Personal Wellness Assessment:
Tailored advice from Joe Hoye.

Lifetime Access:
All recordings and presentations at your fingertips.

Speaker Insights: Transcripts and notes for deeper learning.

Meet your

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Joe Hoye

Owner/Founder at Hoye Fit

As the founder of Hoye Fit and your summit host, Joe Hoye, uniquely connects with the challenges of midlife women through his extensive health background and success in transforming lives. Motivated by a commitment to debunk wellness myths and offer sustainable solutions, Joe's work is inspired by the resilience and stories of women in midlife along with his own personal story between his relationship with his mom as his main role model growing up. Join him for a journey of empowerment at the Midlife Makeover Summit.

Kaitlyn Wood

registered dietitian

Our Head Coach, a devoted Dietitian/Nutritionist from Asheville, North Carolina, cherishes over 3.5 years of enriching experience, especially in guiding women through their journeys of self-care and health. With a focus on chronic disease prevention and weight management through the powerful lens of nutrition therapy, she passionately believes in nurturing the nurturers. Her role at Hoyefit is more than a position; it's a calling where she connects deeply with clients, teaching them the transformative power of prioritizing their own well-being. Her commitment to this special population stems from a heartfelt understanding that women often dedicate themselves to others' needs—she's here to help them invest in their own goals and dreams.

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Carissa Stewart

certified intuitive eating coach

Introducing Coach Carissa, our dedicated Nutrition Coach for women over 40, all the way from Canada. Not only does Carissa bring a wealth of expertise in intuitive eating and behavior change to our team, but she also comes with the unique talent of juggling—a fun skill she picked up in elementary school. Passionate about empowering women to prioritize their health and well-being, Carissa has guided hundreds of women towards losing weight, gaining strength, and embracing their power, focusing on nurturing their bodies from a place of love and respect.

Colleen Patrino

epigenetic coach and nutritional therapy practitioner

Born in Chicago and embarking on an adventure to Georgia in her empty nesting years, she faced long-term health struggles, including weight issues, Lyme disease, Hashimoto's, and hormonal imbalances. Self-driven to heal, she became a nutritional therapy practitioner, diving deep into functional blood chemistry, thyroid, and hormone education. Now at 54, she champions the importance of strength training and believes in empowering others through nutrition, lifestyle, and knowledge. Working at Hoye Fit, she finds fulfillment in helping women embrace their strength and wellness daily.

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what to expect

Gain Unparalleled Insights, Connect in Real-Time
and Access Exclusive Content Across an Inspiring 4-6 Daily Presentations

Rich Learning Experience: Arm yourself with cutting-edge knowledge as you navigate through 4-6 expert-led presentations each day. From health innovations to wellness strategies, our summit offers a deep dive into the topics that matter most to you in midlife and beyond.

Personal Growth & Empowerment: Leave the summit not just with information, but with the power to transform your life. Our sessions are designed to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to make meaningful changes in your health, mindset, and daily practices.

Interactive Engagement: Amplify your summit experience with live Q&A sessions. Engage directly with our speakers, ask questions, and receive personalized insights, making your learning journey interactive and impactful.

Exclusive Bonus Content: Get more out of the Midlife Makeover Summit with access to special bonus materials. From downloadable resources to exclusive workshops, these added values are designed to enrich your summit experience and support your ongoing growth.

Community Connection: Join a community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you. The Midlife Makeover summit provides a unique platform to connect, share experiences, and foster supportive relationships that last beyond the event.

Accessible Anywhere: Enjoy the convenience of attending this transformative summit from anywhere in the world. Our virtual platform ensures you have the flexibility to be part of every moment, live or at a time that suits you best.

All Access Pass: Elevate Your Summit
Experience to Extraordinary

Unlock Exclusive Perks and Personalized Features with Your VIP Entry

Exclusive Live Q&As: Direct access to our experts.

Complimentary Diet Detox Book: Transform your relationship with food.

Bonus Day Access:
Special sessions on mindset, career, relationships, and more.

Personal Wellness Assessment:
Tailored advice from Joe Hoye.

Lifetime Access:
All recordings and presentations at your fingertips.

Speaker Insights: Transcripts and notes for deeper learning.

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asked questions

asked questions

asked questions



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